Creating Effective Communication Assets

Identification and Selection of Programme Messengers
Safalta Coach/Facilitator Duos

Self-Help Group (SHG) women

The Self-Help Groups (SHGs) of the National Rural Livelihood Mission in India are community-based microfinance institutions empowering women through collective savings and livelihood activities. To collaborate with SHGs, Project Safal Shuruaat engaged with the Managing Director of the State Rural Livelihood Mission (UP-SRLM), familiarizing them with the programme’s objectives and achievements. After securing approval, the project representative collaborated with the Lead-Food Nutrition Health and WASH (FNHW) through multiple discussions, aligning objectives and priorities. Following formal approvals, Bhadohi district was then chosen as the focal point, and in alignment with the District Mission Manager (DMM)-FNHW-UPSRLM of Bhadohi, four blocks with active SHG groups were selected and one SHG leader from each of the 392 groups in these blocks received comprehensive training to effectively execute the programme.
Frontline Workers (FLWs)
To involve Frontline workers like ASHAs, AWWs, and ANMs in executing the Safal Shuruaat programme at the grassroots, the project representatives initiated meetings with the Mission Director of the National Health Mission (MD-NHM) of Uttar Pradesh. After aligning priorities, Pratapgarh district was selected for potential implementation. The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of Pratapgarh was approached with the MD’s approval letter, who then facilitated the support needed and mobilized the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) department office. The ICDS In-charge of Pratapgarh assisted in compiling the list of FLWs across the district. With close coordination with the ICDS office, training programmes, venues, dates, and plans were established. FLWs, their supervisors, and mentors were formally onboarded and trained for the Safal Shuruaat Project.

Training and Capacity Building
Preparing messengers of change through comprehensive training to effectively drive community transformation in Project Safal Shuruaat.

Induction Training
The Induction Training for programme messengers such as Safalta Coaches/Facilitator Duos (FDs) and SHG women (Samuh Sakhis), was a pivotal step in preparing them for their roles in Project Safal Shuruaat. The training aimed to inspire passion and commitment, emphasising the significance of the programme and the role of the participants in its success. They received a comprehensive introduction to the Safal Shuruaat project and gained a deeper understanding of the child health landscape in the region, including relevant government departments and schemes. Throughout the orientation, emphasis was placed on the importance of immunization and handwashing with soap for infection prevention and optimal child development. Participants engaged in participatory learning, addressing challenges related to key health behaviours. They were equipped with essential communication and community mobilization skills, preparing them to excel in their responsibilities.
Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) Training
Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) Training
The SBCC training proved instrumental in empowering the FDs with impactful communication skills. They received specialized knowledge and tools to engage with parents, families, and communities, effectively conveying essential messages on critical parenting behaviors. By delving into behavior change theories and strategies, they gained insights to foster positive changes in child health practices. This comprehensive training equipped them to confidently promote the significance of immunization, handwashing, and other vital health practices, leading to improved child health outcomes in their respective areas of influence.
Interpersonal Communication (IPC) Visit Module-Specific Training
Interpersonal Communication (IPC) Visit Module-Specific Training
The IPC Visit Module-Specific Training was a crucial phase of the program. Prior to each field visit, FDs and SHG women (Samuh Sakhis) underwent targeted training. This equipped them with the needed knowledge of show-flows and behavior change materials for their visits. The training focused on effective message delivery and engaging parents in discussions to promote key parenting behaviors. Using a cascade training approach, facilitators were prepared for diverse IPC visits at homes, Anganwadi centers, and schools. Mock trials ensured hands-on practice.
Additionally, FDs were trained in tablet usage for data collection and module execution. The training process also included finalizing and distributing route plans. These plans defined target areas and objectives, ensuring effective outreach and creating a robust supervision and management structure.
To address constraints in engaging FLWs within their roles, the Safal Shuruaat project employed a strategic approach. Tailored sessions were conducted for ASHAs, AWWs, and ANMs, addressing their specific touchpoints. ASHAs were trained to conduct IPC sessions during home visits for parents of 0–2-year-olds. AWWs focused on sensitizing pregnant women and mothers during events like Godbharai Diwas and Annaprashan Diwas at Anganwadi Centers. ANMs’ training targeted mobilizing parents and caregivers during the Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Day (VHSND) for child vaccinations. Midway refresher training ensured sustained effectiveness by addressing challenges, reinforcing strategies, and orienting new FLWs.

Programme Resources
Explore essential programme resources listed in the table below. Click on the links to access or request materials.
Sr. No | Resource | Document |
1 | Visit Show-Flows | |
2 | Training Manuals with Scripts – Hindi | |
3 | Training Manuals with Scripts – English | |
4 | BCC Tools – Immunization – Hindi | |
5 | BCC Tools – Immunization – English | |
6 | BCC Tools – Handwashing with Soap – Hindi | |
7 | BCC Tools – Handwashing with Soap – English | |
8 | BCC Tools – Other Parenting & Nutrition – Hindi | |
9 | BCC Tools – Other Parenting & Nutrition – English |